For the first ten years of our friendship, no one would have ever guessed that we would write a blog about fashion. Libby's outfits progressed from Disney sweatshirts to cable-knit sweaters and standard AE jeans and Anna, though quite adventurous in her childhood, found the ease of conformity in middle school and never looked back. While in college, though, we both had a sort of fashion epiphany: Libby, through a guidance of a much more fashionable friend, realized that there was a difference between dressing nicely and dressing with style. And while she still would love to walk out of a J. Crew catalogue, she's learned to expand her horizons. Anna discovered that being stylish could be as easy as dressing how you want, and realized that she enjoyed taking fashion risks and didn't mind standing out. Although we've been friends for years and can list almost anything from The Babysitter's Club to board games to swapping stories about crazy grandfathers to spending time with our parents as a common interest, fashion is one of the few interests that we developed separately but simultaneously, creating an instant and constant bond whether on gchat time zones away or sitting on the deck during summer break.
In this blog, we hope to further explore our interests in fashion, stay connected with each other, and be a part of the fashion blogger community that is often the center of our conversations. We'll post pictures of Libby's preppier, more polished look and Anna's thrifted, never-met-a-bow-she-didn't-like outfits, and maybe influence each other with our contrasting styles. We're not just interested in our own fashions, though: other bloggers, real life fashion role models, bad TV show characters, Baby-sitter club members, and other fashion trends and setters we love and love to mock. So, let's just be upfront: we also have a selfish, (previously) secretive goal, to get something, anything, for free.
Blogs and Kisses, Libby and Anna Rae