On Friday, Jessica from What I Wore posted a blogger challenge to wear your best Sweet and Rough outfits -- romantic and feminine with a definite edge. Have I, devoted readers, succeeded?

Something that probably won't surprise you about me is that, when deciding to wear a sweet floral dress with edgy accessories, I had piles upon piles of the sweet, the romantic, and the feminine to choose from and then sat around thinking, edge, edge edge...nope. Little to none, my friends, little to none.

Before discussing just how I pulled this edginess out of almost thin air, let's talk about this beach. How can you not love school when it's on a beach? Since I might be gracing the pages of What I Wore, the big times, Erin decided that the pictures must be beautiful and special. Beautiful and special like this beach, but unlike the trek to and from the beach on the billion and one stairs, which left me older, wiser, sadder, and sorer.

I thought of these tights immediately because I wore them as an homage to Joan Jett when we saw the Runaways and Little J, an avid floral fishnet wearer, thinks she's pretty edgy. The Doc Martens were an almost out the door inspiration, but they really, really completed the look.

Like I mentioned, the feminine pieces were a no-brainer. I liked the idea of a black floral dress to complement the tights, and the sweater and belt -- two recent VV finds -- are just so lovely and perfect that they practically flung themselves onto the outfit

Look at me climbing those rocks. I'm a tough cookie.
Dress: C'est le Vie consignment
Sweater: Thrifted, Value Village, Tommy Hilfiger
Belt: Thrifted, Value Village
Shoes: Gifted, Doc Martens
Tights: Kohl's
I love fashion challenges. Suggest some more! xoxo Anna Rae