"Oh hello, Gateway Clipper"
The morning started with a "Strip Trip," which sounds much naughtier than it really was. Laura, Kayla and I ventured down to the Strip District for a cup of coffee and to buy some fresh vegetables and cheese...mmm. It was a cool morning that made it feel a little bit like fall, but it was sunny out so I was fooled by the temperature - hence the sleeveless top and short shorts. Stupid sun playing tricks on my scientifically challenged mind.
After coffee, Laura and I ventured down to the North Shore to meet Jimmy for lunch outside and thankfully, the sun actually followed through and warmed things up! And the result was weather that was absolutely GORGEOUS (now in order to read that last sentence correctly, read the word "gorgeous" with a slight southern drawl. Perhaps act like you're drinking a mint julep, strolling the streets of Nawlans (New Orleans, in my southern gooorgeous accent..follow me?).
You might think that Laura and I were tourists the way we were taking pictures at certain landmarks, but alas, we are not. In fact, the North Shore was a staple this past summer for afternoon lunches outside on Fridays with Jimmy...so sad summer is quickly coming to an end. Don't get me wrong, I love fall, but I don't love that devil season that comes after.

"Help I'm falling and I can't get up!!"
Here I am trying to boost myself up on this deceptively high structure of sorts. Thank goodness I've been doing yoga arm workouts, because this was a struggle! I made it though (barely), so do not worry.
The act of climbing up this structure left.me.ex.haus.ted though, so I had to take a brief nap. Juuust kidding! Laura just thought it would be a fun picture to have me lay down and who am I to disobey my photographer when she is kind enough to help me out? I can't wait to wear these shorts in the fall and winter with dark tights to mix it up and make them work throughout the whole year - yes versatility!

Waaaait, this isn't Libby! Oh, that's right, it's Laura. Look how much more successful she was at conquering that stupid fake skateboard ramp like structure. You can't especially tell, but her tank top features really adorable metallic stripes - so simple and chic.
Until tomorrow. Libby
Shoes: Sam Edelman
Shorts: BCBG Outlet (marked down from $102 to $29!!! Srsly, who would pay $102 for shorts?)
Top: Aerie
Sunglasses: Marc Jacobs
Such a good photographer you have! And if I had known I would make the blog I would have worn something better.