First, let me start by wishing all of our Canadian readers and our Canadian blogger a very happy Thanksgiving!

Onto the outfit! I wore this to my family birthday dinner at Valozzi's a couple weeks back. It was the perfect outfit for an Anna-based dinner because it featured my two favorite colors in a complementary combination, a giant bow, a floral embellishment, pearls, high-volume hair, and lipstick. Phew. I got all the favorites, I think.

I paired the sweater with the skirt because I liked the look of the contrasting colors, but once I saw how much I loved wearing a giant bow with the even sweeter flowered cardigan, I wanted everything about this outfit to be adorably feminine. The pearls, lipstick, and hair quickly followed.

Sweater: Old Navy
Skirt: Purr, South Granville, Vancouver
Pearls: Claire's
Shoes: Charlotte Russe
Tights: Hue, Macy's
It's the twee-est of outfits, in the best way possible. xoxo Anna Rae
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