The paler, more neutral tones in this outfit make it feel like something I was much more excited to wear last year. This year, I seem to only love teals, yellows, corals, and reds. I guess even I sometimes need a break from bold colors, or maybe I just need to wear the other clothes in my closet. This outfit is pretty simple, and when I wear simple outfits, I like to choose accessories that don't quite match. The blue and white striped belt and hat don't quite go with the floral shoes, whose colors are just slightly brighter than the rest of the outfit's. To me, this makes everything feel much more fun.

Shorts: Thrifted, Value Village, Dockers
Cardigan: New York & Company
Lace Shirt: Target
White Shirt: Old Navy
Belt: on Vintage dress, Eons, Pittsburgh
Hat: Topshop, London
Shoes: Old Navy

I'm sure the love of pale shades and neutrals won't last, I get far too excited about bright colors and bold prints. xoxo Anna Rae
omg! this is seriously soo adorable! love the hat :)