My joy over dressing in red, white, and my necklace with leaves on it for Canada Day (because Canada is full of great nature, of course) has been completely overshadowed by my joy over my recently-cut blunt bangs. I was going to wait until my next paycheck to give my bangs the attention that they need, but then today I was feeling a bit stressed and I might have hit a mailbox with my car, so I need the kind of pick me up that a bang trim can provide.

Although I've already worn this striped shirt under plaid and I've already worn this red plaid shirt with my red shirt, this outfit felt fresh.

Although I don't normally wear my shirts untucked, especially for work, I liked the shape of the outfit with a longer shirt. The highlight of the outfit for me, though, was pairing the pale pink belt with the red pink shirt. I love how it brings out the cream in the shirt.

Shirt: Thrifted, Valve Village, Vancouver
Skirt: Thrifted, St. Vincent de Paul, Latrobe
Necklace: Gifted, Janet
Belt: H&M
Shoes: Thrifted, Goodwill, Etown, Target

Happy Canada Day! Get your bangs trimmed. xoxo Anna Rae
love the outfit, love the bangs <3
Just jacked off to these pics