If you don't like my yellow tights/
Then stop reading our blog.
Okay, I'm usually much more creative than that with poems. Honest. But my brain is mush. I have a midterm today on writing everything I possibly know about Viktor Frankl (b. 1905; d. 1997; Was a guest professor at Duquesne. Woop Woop). Also, that presentation Anna mentioned is today, as well: Analyzing the Transition of Adolescence Through Adulthood Cross-Culturally with a Focus on Education and Vocational Development. HEY! Yeah, you, blog reader. Wake up! The topic isn't that boring... At least stay awake long enough to look at my outfit, k?
So are you all at least slightly relieved that my appearance has changed since 8th grade? Wouldn't you all have just died a little bit if I was wearing cargo pants?! Even my coworker made fun of my cargo pants yesterday: "What year was this? 2000? Yeah, cargo pants had been out of style in New York for about 2 years by then." Well they were totally hitting their prime in Derry, Pennsylvania, thankyouverymuch. But let us not dwell on the (unfortunate looking) past.

So, here is my outfit. Ta.Da. Thanks to Jocelyn for letting me borrow her mom's super cool vintage Gucci sunglasses. And believe me, I needed them - holy color explosion with my outfit today, right? Anna was shocked at my decision to wear tights with open toed booties. She said it was daring and well, quite frankly, that scared me a little because if Anna thinks it's daring, then it must be. She still wears her Middle School Drama Club Cinderella shirt and if that's not daring, I don't know what is. I can't wait to see her outfit and how differently we dressed today even though our tights, well, bound us. Lame integration of our site's name? Aw come on! Give me a break.

Ohh, is that Victoria Beckham I see? Oh, false alarm. But my my, that whole "Oh yes, I'm-putting-this-piece-of-hair-conveniently-behind-my-ear-EVERY TIME-you-take-a-picture-of-me pose" sure does work to slim the body. Okay, phew, I'm exhausted. Run on sentences take a lot of of a girl.
Now, I'm off to midterm, present and most likely get awkwardly stared at because nobody on Duquesne's campus wears yellow tights. Pearl necklaces? Yes. Impractical stilettos? Yes. (Mine are super comfy, okay?) Looks of judgment and superiority? Yes and Yes.
10-4. Libby
Shoes: Madden Girl
Tights: Gap
Skirt: Modcloth
Shirt: Christmas Present
Sweater: Very old
Sunglasses: Vintage Gucci
As an admirer of flabby calves, I'm delighted to see yours make its debut today. Love the tights. Love the bow. Obviously love the shades. Overall cuteness achieved.
ReplyDeleteAs someone normally shaped like a pear (right now, I'm afraid that I more closely resemble the shape of that potbellied pig that I wrote about today), I admire the color and prints that you've selected to wear from the waist down. Mondoo CANNOT roll like that. As they say at the symphony (and I oughta know), BRAVO on your first post! I look forward to both reading more posts and learning more about fashion from you. Lord knows, I need it!
ReplyDeleteLibster!! Love the color combination! You two are too much!
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ReplyDeleteOh thank you so much!! It's always nice to have one of my favorite aunts be a fan of our hard work :)