Whoa! A picture! Finally!! So as you are all waiting with (fashionably) baited breath, Anna and I have been trying to keep busy with various and random blog posts. This title is not an homage to Paris Hilton, but rather to OPI and my boss. My boss is in his 50s, and sometimes I just smile at the things he says. He has two daughters (that I know of, and not in the sense that he has a mistress and might have fathered more children likely to be discovered by the National Enquirer a la John Edwards) and I know of these two daughters because they work with me. However, this could explain our conversation yesterday:
Boss: Hey Libby, did you do...
Me: (Sitting, cutely dressed of course, with my fingers by my mouth because I cannot seem to break the habit of biting my nails and cuticles)
Boss: Oh, that looks nice!
Me: Huh?
Boss: Your nails match your ring.
Me: Oh, yeah, I guess they do. Thanks!
I have a dad. He is oblivious when it comes to fashion. (Once, I had my hair dyed lighter after it was black for awhile - You'll get to see those pictures someday, I'm sure. When I came home, my dad mentioned how my hair looked darker. Poor thing, he tries.) I appreciate my boss' comment because it's nice that amidst all of the stress he is under throughout the day, he still found the time to compliment me on something seemingly insignificant.
Nail Polish: OPI, That's Hot! Pink
Ring: Aerie, on sale
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