So the question I picked deals with hiding a part of our body that we don't like. How do we hide/minimize it? Well friends, if you haven't noticed, my hips are, well, pretty big. So when at all possible, I try to hide them. Sometimes I say "screw it" and wear things like cargo jeans (in 8th grade), or skinny jeans (now). It's not really the most flattering look on me, but I like them nonetheless.
The most surefire way to minimize my hips, however, is to accentuate my waist. While not trying to sound like a jerk, I have a fairly, and shockingly, tiny waist (I'm about 5'7" and weigh about 150 lbs, so I think it's surprising that I have a waist as small as I do). Anyways, I'm pretty curvy, so when I can, I dress in a silhouette that is close to this dress - high waisted or belted skirt, shirt or dress that falls away from the hips so the material doesn't hug my thighs and emphasizes my hourglass shape.
To further prove that my hips and waist need dressed differently, I will tell a brief story. Last week while shopping, I had to try on a range of sizes when it came to different types of clothing. When I buy dresses, I usually have to get a size 4, but in shorts I need a size 8. That's kind of a big difference! The size 8 is also needed to accommodate my ample behind. I'm not complaining, however, because I really like my waist and enjoy wearing this kind of silhouette, as evidenced by most, if not all, of my posts on here.

Until tomorrow. Libby
Shoes: Sam Edelman
Dress: BCBG Outlet
Squinty Expression: The Sun
OMG I want to fuck this sexy bitch