Friday, September 3, 2010

Preppy like a Teen Soap Star

Yesterday, on 9/02/10, I dressed as if I was going to a Chuck Bass lookalike competition, clearly showing my support of this amazing, Josh Schwartz-approved video.
I was getting a bit tired of wearing skirts to class and I didn't want to break into the dress pants just yet, so I thought I'd wear the only dress shorts I own. Since they are still shorts, even if made by Dockers, I thought I should make them look as professional as possible with a tucked-in button-down. The cardigan was added because if you're already going to look a little bit like a tennis player, why not go all the way, and I like the way the light blue stripe highlights the lighter blue in the shirt.
Tortoise-shell glasses and pearl earrings helped to complete the look, I think.
Shorts: Thrifted, Value Village, Dockers brand
Shirt: Thrifted, Value Village
Sweater: Thrifted, Value Village
Belt: Target
Shoes: AE
Earrings: Gifted by Erin
Sunglasses: Giant Eagle
Thanks to Susan for taking my pictures in the Historic Highland Park. xoxo Anna Rae

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9/03/2010

    Love the homage to chack bass and all that is gossip girl

    xoxo Julie
