One of the few highlights of living in Latrobe, PA, where absolutely no one dresses like me, is the fact that there are gems to be found at the thrift stores. If you live anywhere around here, let me give you some advice: Don't waste your time with the Goodwill or Salvation Army. Head to the St. Vincent dePaul or Alabaster's Attic. I was at Alabaster's the other day during a disappointing trip to the inappropriately named WOW Outlets, and it turned out to be a great success of a detour.

First, I bought this great cream blouse, a great find for teaching. I wanted to wear it immediately with my brand-new, high-heeled shoes! If you know anything about me at all, you know that my purchasing heels is a rarity. I just loved the color and the square, clunky Mary Jane style. Since they were only 3 dollars, I thought the purchase was worth the risk of my rarely wearing them. Surprisingly, I wore them today for teaching (which may have been a bit too ambitious, as standing for a long time in heels is still quite painful for me).

I'm sorry I don't have a great shot of the belt or the details on the shirt. The sun sets so early now, so I had to quickly snap these before it went dark. I paired the blouse with my jean skirt, nude fishnets, beige socks, and the heels. I wanted to give the new pieces as neutral of a background as I could, since I was so excited about showing them off.

Blouse: Thrifted, Alabaster's Attic, Greensburg
Skirt: Thrifted by Erin, Salvation Army, Kerrisdale
Socks: Borrowed from Mom
Tights: Hue, Macy's
Belt: Target
Shoes: Thrifted, Alabaster's Attic, Greensburg

My face is so sad, but I wanted to show off how high these heels are. I'm so proud of myself. xoxo Anna Rae
anna? in heels? VOLUNATRILY?! this can't be right...