Hi everyone! I know it's been awhile (again) since I've posted, but I've just become lazy with my picture taking. These pictures are actually from last week, whoops! Last week when it was cold and miserable outside.

I love being able to take shorts, pair them with tights, and have the clothes transition to fall and winter. It's nice to be able to get more wear out of articles of clothing. And sometimes I like to dress nicely for class, it helps me act more studious. Act is the important word in that sentence.

Hey look! My shoes match my nail polish! These are my most favorite heels - such a comfortable height that I could wear them forever.
Until tomorrow. Libby
Shoes: Steve Madden
Tights: Macy's
Shorts BCBG
Top: Bluefly, Gifted from Michael and Amanda
Sweater: Express
Belt: Nordstrom
Bag: Nine West, DSW
LOVE the bag! I tried to belt a cardigan the other week and it looked terrible. I dunno if it was the cardigan, the belt, or my post-baby belly. Any tips for belting cardigans?