Readers, you're in for quite the treat today. I'm staying with my friend
Keanan, who just happens to be a pretty professional
photographer, and we decided that writing papers and marking papers are no match for the excitement of a proper fashion blog photo shoot.

Today's outfit is a mix of the preppy, for the schoolwork that needs to accomplished, and the comfortable, because the work is being done on someone's couch, avoiding the winter weather outside. This outfit feels pretty 90s to me, a sort of slacker version of something you'd seen in Clueless. The untucked, oversized oxford and oversized pearls seemed the perfect match for the traditionally preppy look of the sweater vest. The outfit seemed crazy enough on its own -- especially with the festive headband -- that it didn't require any bright or bold colors. It's not often that I'll admit to not needing a flash of neon or splash of bright red, but all of the other elements seemed enough.

I'm always envious of the fashion blogs that feature take such creative approaches to beautiful locations. In my own attempt at this, Keanan and I tried to bring some festive fun to the dying cattails.

How, you ask? Christmas ornaments and cinnamon candles, of course.

I feel like I'm in a special Christmas production of "Oklahoma."

I liked the idea of playing with proportions since the shirt is already so long, pairing it with shorts, tights, and boots. The shorts, tights, socks, and boots combination has been one of my favorite winter alternatives for this year and last. There's something very liberating knowing that just because it's cold, you don't have to wear jeans day in and day out.

Shirt: Thrifted, Value Village, Vancouver
Sweater vest: Gina Tricott, Stockhom
Shorts: Thrifted, Value Village
Tights: Walmart
Boots: Gifted, Mom and Dad, Zappo's, Chinese Laundry
Headband: Gifted, Aunt Donna, Kohl's
Pearls: Claire's

Blogging is so much more fun when other people are involved. Today brought back memories of the times when Erin would crawl on the floor of the Reading Room or stand on the roof of Jenna's car, just to get the perfect shot. Thanks again to Keanan the Keener. xoxo Anna Rae
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