For Christmas, I was gifted two really lovely pieces of outerwear -- both with very bold prints and colorful designs.

I love the way that these boots and this scarf worked with my coat because they both have the deep purple. Even though my coat is a bold color, it's still one solid color, which means there is a lot of room for accessory fun.
And, seriously, what's more fun than these boots?

The floral on the boots and the stripes on the scarf might not match each other, but I think that they still work together to complete this fun, tonally matching look for cold months of snowball fights.

Coat: Burlington Coat Factory
Tights: Target
Scarf: Gifted, Aunt Donna
Boots: Gifted, Mom and Dad, Kamik
I hope everyone on break is having a relaxing one. I'm currently curled up by the fire watching What Not to Wear, which is pretty much the definition of relaxation. xoxo Anna Rae
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