Instead I can tell you about the state of the blog: it might be over. Erin and I, after some soul-searching/facebook-messaging have realized how costly it is to update a blog. It really wears on you and your bank account to feel the pressure to post new outfits. Neither of us can afford this indulgence and, honestly, we miss taking blog pictures together. And, you might agree lovely readers, the excitement over fashion blogs has waned. I am no longer as eager to read the ten I used to read on a daily basis. I no longer feel excited or inspired by other people's outfits the way I once was. You're probably assuming that the blog will no longer continue, and this is a pretty good prediction. There might be a catch: I've decided to stop shopping for Lent, and may find myself needing the inspiration to dress in interesting ways with old pieces. If that's the case, I might post again, but it would be a solo effort.

Dress: Old Navy
Necklace: Kate Spade, Kate Spade store, Vegas
Boots: Chinese Laundry, Zappo's
If this is the last post, then I just want to end it by saying how much I love this blog. I've never been a hobby person, but it was really a fantastic hobby. xoxo Anna Rae