I typically judge what season it is based on what flavored coffees are being sold. Since I'm currently drinking the hell out of any pumpkin-flavored latte I can get my hands on, I know, empirically, that it is definitely fall. Here in Boston, in my second-floor non-air conditioned airport and on crowded T rides, it feels much more like the middle of summer. This merger of seasons in my mind has resulted in a deep attachment to bright, neon accessories paired with fall pieces.

The neon green belt and ruby flower were shockingly bright versions of colors that already existed in the dress. The yellow was added because I loved the look of the double flowers and because at this point in my obession with mixing colors, it's become a neutral.

Note the excellent necklace -- a bridesmaid present from Toni. It has both my initial and my birthstone.
Dress: Target
Cardigan: Old Navy
Flower: Free from Kate Spade
Shoes: Target
Necklace: Gifted, Toni, Etsy

The real victim in this unseasonably warm fall? My bangs. Here's hoping for sweater (but not parka!) weather soon. xoxo Anna Rae
Love this outfit! especially the dress :)