Even though it's only appeared on the blog once before, I wear this dress all the time. It's classic shape and adorable novelty print make it perfect for almost any occasion, and it always makes me so happy to be wearing it.

With the drop in temperature, I was able to heighten the strawberries, tonally matching most of the outfit to it, with various shades of light pink in the tights, cardigan, and belt.

Of course, I couldn't resist the idea of dress a little like the fruit itself by wearing green on the end of my own stems.

Dress: Joe Fresh, Real Canadian Super Store, Prince George
Cardigan: Thrifted, Value Village, Vancouver
Belt: H&M
Shoes: Old Navy (very old)
Necklace: Gifted, Mom and Dad, Tiffany's

And a very special thanks to Karleigh for taking these excellent pictures in the library at Simmons. All good library school students use the library for blog pictures, not reference and research. xoxo Anna Rae
the tights are back!! love that you dressed with the strawberry :)
Amazing. The green shoes are such an inspired touch.