Nothing like getting back to the September grind to make dressing like a worker bee appropriate. Yellow and red are the 'popiest' colours to pair with black and white, and yellow feels fresher to me.

this article about polka dot addiction made me realize that I am not alone. And also that I am perhaps a little bitter about the current uber-trendy status of my beloved spots. I think perhaps my spotted wardrobe needs its own family portrait.

This look is pretty simple, but full of details like ruffles, bows, and mixed-print accessories to make it something special. I'll never tire of this Joe Fresh blouse. Prepare for its American invasion soon my southern readers...(see article in October's ELLE) 24°30 or fight!

I'm looking so pensive despite my sunny sweater because my lovely photographer Judith is departing for the semester for the libraries of Amherst. Her loss, combined with the darling Jenna's graduation, has left me looking for photographers. Names starting with letters other than 'J' may also apply.

Cardigan: J Crew
Blouse: Joe Fresh, Real Canadian Superstore
Pants: no brand, Winners
Shoes: Jessica Simpson, 6pm.com
Belt: Old Navy
Bracelet: Vintage, Etsy
These pictures are fantastic, and I love this outfit. It's everything you do best, and a little daring with all the details.