Today, May 11, is practically a holiday: Daria (all 5 seasons and the two movies) has been released on DVD. I was unaware of the remarkable event when getting dressed this morning, so I resemble my second favorite Morgendorffer child, but another time I"ll dress like Daria, in my Doc Martens, glasses, and an oversized blazer.

This outfit, however, is pretty much adorable. I bought this jean jacket at Value Village on Saturday after being so jealous of everyone else's jean jacket-floral print combos. I think I'm going to wear it every single day this summer.

I bought this dress for Emily's wedding shower in June, but it certainly won't look like this when I wear it then -- I'll have to dress it up a bit, probably with a cardigan and tights and maybe some pearls.

The straps of the dress tie, which I think makes it look just a little bit like the beach, a small detail that I love.

Dress: C'est la Vie consignment, Main Street
Jacket: Thrifted, Value Village
Neckalce: Gifted from NZ
Shoes: Old Navy
Are you impressed with my bubble-gum skills? It's a defense mechanism from being one of the oldest cousins in a large family -- now I can entertain children while watching TV or reading. xoxo Anna Rae
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