My graduation was so tragically rainy that these post grad pictures had to be taken indoors. One last reading room post, I guess.

This dress, cardigan, and purse were all same-day Value Village finds. I couldn't believe my luck. I had a different dress picked out for grad, but it was so summery and bright that it just didn't seem to fit in with the day or season or occasion. This dress seemed perfect, though, and the cardigan made it seem extra Miss Emily Post-y.

I didn't have the headband or purse during the ceremony, obviously.

The jewelry - some of my fanciest pieces - were gifts from my parents. My mom gave me the earrings before I moved here and my dad gave me the necklace the day I left for Etown. Hopefully I'll have a new fancy piece to add to the collection, a prettier representation of my MA than this hat.

Dress: Thrifted, Value Village
Cardigan: Thrifted, Value Village
Purse: Thrifted, Value Village
Earrings and Necklace: Gifted, Mom and Dad
Headband: Walmart
Shoes: Target
The days in Vancouver are running out -- hopefully it'll stop raining long enough for some more scenic posts. xoxo Anna Rae
I love this outfit-especially the purse!