With the lace-collared polka-dot dress, lace tights, oxfords, and embellished cardigan, this is the twee-est outfit I've worn in while. After teaching, I just had to add a bow.

This dress was one of my recent thrift finds, and I loved the way the navy looked with the coral cardigan. The outfit was so adorably feminine, I didn't even mind wearing my oxfords (they've been getting a bit boring with all the ice).
I don't like to wear bows or anything else too silly or distracting while teaching, but I liked how it worked with the cream in the dress and the tights. Once I paired the dress with the cardigan, this outfit really felt like a no-brainer. As much as I liked trying on combinations and planning out outfits, sometimes the ones that come together on their own are the most fun.

Dress: Vintage, Salvation Army, Lancaster
Cardigan: Anthropologie
Tights: Target
Shoes: Gifted, Mom and Dad, Zappo's, Bass
Headband: Gifted, Aunt Donna, Kohl's

Hopefully the snow-ice-rain combinations will take a break for a day or so and I can start wearing different shoes! xoxo Anna Rae
I love this dress/cardigan combo! What a fantastic find. An orange cardigan is on my wish list for spring...