This outfit is brought to you by "a touch of whimsy," the feel I aim to most capture with my style. Touching me (and you) with whimsy today? Bows, animal prints, and novelty earrings.

Could these rain boots be any more amazing? I lusted after them for the better part of a year, and finally rewarded myself with them this summer. Despite the sunny pictures (thanks Jenna!) the morning deluge made their debut appropriate.

I fell in love with their cheeky bows and sassy heels. Expect to see them a lot more-- Vancouver weather is such that the Cullen family would rarely have to resort to truancy.

The other bow in question is a
pussy bow. Much beloved by upstart working girls everywhere (see
Peggy Olson) this jaunty bit of feline foppery adds retro femininity to any look. I paired the blouse with a zebra cardigan and daisy earrings to tweak the bow in a more current direction while still keeping the vintage feel.
Boots: Kate Spade, Ebay
Jeans: Gap
Blouse: Banana Republic
Cardigan: JCrew, Ebay
Earrings: LeChateau
Those boots look even better than they did on the website! Great outfit -- such a good mix of vintage and contemporary looks.