Monday, April 12, 2010

Flashback Surprise

Pictured here are Mark and Karen taking the their first steps in marriage. We could dissect the highs (the amazing veil) and lows (oh, that tie) of their fashion, but instead, I'd just like to say Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary, Mom and Dad. I'm sure I only dress the way I do because of your marriage of the desire to be well-presented and acute eye for detail with a love of the spotlight and a penchant for the ridiculous.

And any card I send would just take too long to get home. xoxo Anna Rae


  1. look at that beard!

  2. awww happy day mark and karen--karen, you haven't changed a bit, but who the he** is that man next to you!!! hahaha

  3. Aw Happy Anniversary! And quite frankly, I'm just glad you didn't post the honeymoon pictures....

  4. aww! happy anniversary!!
