Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mrs. Slocombe Who?

So as I was perusing the various sites on the internets yesterday that I frequent too often everyday, I decided to check out the TV & Showbiz section of the Daily Mail. Srsly, people, this is why I refuse to get Facebook - I spend way to much time on the internets as it is that it's almost sad. I will look up ANYTHING if you give me the chance - zombie dogs, Uncle Jesse, or Pirate names (arrrgh, why not, right? I mean, who hasn't thought about what their Pirate name might be. Try it!).
Anyways, so I came upon this article saying how Kelly Osbourne dyed her hair purple and now resembles this Mrs. Slocombe character. I'm sorry, British TV, I don't understand you or your humor, so I definitely have no idea who this person is. Apparently, she was on a show called "Are you being served?" (Hmm, sounds a little fishy to me, like something Pat Robertson would be on...). And spoiler alert: She has purple hair. Just like Kelly Osbourne. But how about we not compare Kelly Osbourne, who since DWTS has been looking FABULOUS, to some old lady who looks kind of unfortunate?
Can't we instead compare her, to say, Tavi? Tavi has purple hair, is adorable, and quite funny. I like to read her blogs and act out her entries (in my head and not out loud of course. Wait, does that make me seem crazier now that I've admitted to acting out her entries in my head? Maybe I should start reading her blogs out loud...or get a life). But, she seems quite humble and it's like she's having a conversation with us. Perhaps someday soon, Anna and I will have 1/100329 of the following she has. Hell, at this point, I'd even be happy to have Mrs. Slocombe view our page...

Unfortunate update: Apparently Mrs. Slocombe (well, the actress who played her) died last year. Crap, we lost a reader already, and right now, we just can't afford to have those kind of statistics.

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