Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Preppy like the UES

Today, Will Best told me my outfit was rockin' and then took on photographer duties for another computer lab photo shoot. I do enjoy taking my pictures in the rooms reserved for graduate student studying, as it really breaks up the monotony of procrastination, achievement, or pretension. Though I guess taking someone's picture for their fashion blog falls pretty securely in the category of procrastination.

Do I have some crazy eyes in the picture below of what?
Today's outfit was not what I had planned on wearing, but when I accidently overslept and was feeling a bit stressed and overwhelmed, I knew that I needed an outfit that would suggest studious and dedicated, hoping that it would inspire me to be studious and dedicated.

This skirt was 70% off, or something ridiculous like that, which means I only paid ten dollars for it. Navy, for some reason, feels like a pretty preppy color, so pairing the skirt with a blouse, my argyle sweater vest, and loafers seemed like the most studious decision I could make.
Because I was running late, I didn't have time to consider jewelry, but I'd definitely like to add some the next time I wear this outfit. I'm thinking my gold locket and gold bangle bracelet? Classic accessories for a pretty classic look?
I had a pretty productive day, and I think the outfit helped. Maybe navy is the real power blue when dressing for success.

Skirt: Purr on South Granville
Shirt: Thrifted, St. Vincent de Paul, Latrobe, PA
Vest: Thrifted, Goodwill, Etown, PA
Tights: the Bay
Shoes: Thrifted, Value Village

I'm going home for Easter (yay!), so probably only one more Vancouver post before I fly back. Look out for some Easter colors and maybe even a picture of Libby and me together. I know, craziness. xoxo Anna Rae


  1. This outfit I like!

  2. not sure why i get excited seeing outfits on your blog that i have already seen in real life. okay, look:

    !! yay !!
